P.S: I talked a whole lotta shit to Tham, so I"m happy I didn't eat my words. A friendly competitive spirit cannot be hated on!
Here is the card made by Uncle Alan. I think he was going for the simple, modern look
with a touch of calligraphy. Alan tried to sweet talk the kids saying his card was clean looking and how they needed to vote for him, but too bad his sweet talking had no influence over the kids. Kissing and hugging the kids won't change your card. Sorry, this didn't win!
Here's the front of Alan's card - Amateur, right? Red & Black? Come on...it's Christmas. At least, use Red & Green!
Here is Uncle Tam & Mary's card. It was so clean and nicely put together. I didn't see any glue smears. They had the snowflakes filled with the nephews/nieces pics. Way to suck up. They even wrapped candy (in the pic) under the tree!
This is the front of Tham & Mary's card. Mary told me she bought a gift bag and used that for the outside of the card. How is that homemade? just kidding. this was gorgeous, but sadly the kids didn't choose this the winner.
So happy to tell you that our card WON. All the kids UNANIMOUSLY voted for our card. Whoop whoop! We knew what we had to do to win - we had to tailor the card to the KIDS!
Back of the card: We didn't want to leave the back blank and boring. Using my Cricut machine (I highly recommend), I cut out the letters - S, N & W at 5 inches so it would look clean. I found this snowflake inserted cut outs at JoAnn's and decided they would be the perfect "O" and voila. The blue gift wrapping paper was the perfect color to match the ice blue front.
Inside the Card: Thanh got into this competition and really went all out. With the help of the Internet, he was able to learn how to make pop out reindeers (we had a total of two reindeers popping out on the creases). He still needed my assistance by adding the bling - gems, fury red nose, red bow with a shiny bell & googly eyes helped to bring the deer to life! Glue Guns work wonders!
Inside of our card: We knew this much -There were 9 nephews/nieces so we wanted to make every kid a funny reindeer! Each face received antlers, red bow & googly eyes just to make them silly. Plus every stocking was filled with fake money (sorry we are broke - times are tough) & candy canes. We were going to fill them with candy but it would be too heavy and the card would have fallen apart! Had to give it to the T Man for thinking about making a fake chimney and hand cut the 3 layer fire. I insisted in making Santa's legs in the chimney. I used the Cricut Machine again to cut out "Merry Christmas" and it's hard to see, but we used a bunch of fake bling bling gems and glued them onto the edges of the letters. On the top of the ledge to the right side I thought it only made sense to add milk & cookies since Santa just visited.
Front of our card: Outlined in lights and silver star tinsel with 3-D gifts and light bulbs filling out the base. Kids LOVE bright lights =) To keep the lights in tact, we used wire on the edges to keep the outline tight and right, BUT we were running late to the competition so at the last minute we just used see through satin tape since we were in a hurry.
We ROCK. Next year - ugly christmas sweater competition. no JOKE, we will dominate again!