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Monday, September 8, 2008


Need a great table book? I love this book - PORN FOR WOMEN by Susan Anderson. For some women, I'm sure seeing their man clean up after themself or having them being thoughtful once in awhile get them a little horny. Ha. You can find this picture book at your local Urban Outfitters and other book shops like Barnes & Noble. Porn for men = Women doing some crazy stuff with little clothing if at all. Porn for women = Men cleaning, shutting their mouth or just doing stuff the first time versus reminding them for the 50th time!

Share this with your fellow gal pals - eveyrone will be able to relate to some degree!

I know - doesn't this make you hot & sweaty!? None of that garbage talk "I know where we are" or "Trust me" or how about "Shut your mouth, I'm driving and I'm always right." In a perfect world, a girl can wish and dream of this fantasy!

I don't mind not getting flowers here and there, but it would be THOUGHTFUL (COUGH) and very SWEET to get them esp when it's not on the following occasions: B-Day or for apologizing for something. Tip for guys - Send it to your gal on a random day and say "You're still hot as ever. Thank you for putting up with my SHIT time and time again. I don't say it enough, but know I know that I'm a lucky DOUCHE bag to have you. You rock my world!" Haha!
I love that guys that have their sports day and I would never ask a guy to skip a game to go to a craft event (i love scrapbooking), but when there's a day when you don't have shit to do, be sweet and ask her if she needs your company for something!

Take out the trash or one day you might be TRASH! j/k

I won't lie. I hate to cook! Even if a guy gives me some cereal with soy milk - I'll think they are the chef's of all chef's! LOL

LOL. I love this pic. If a guy wears gloves to wash dishes, I def questions some things (wink wink). I think most women agree - We don't like to NAG, but after the
2nd time after being asked to do something and you really plan on not doing it - just tell us. Saves us the breath and we'll either do it ourselves or simply kick you to the curb =)

Happy Monday!

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