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Monday, March 2, 2009

outdate phrases - THAT'S THE BOMB/IT'S THE BOMB/ I'M THE BOMB!

Here's a debate that I have with some unnamed people (GRRR). This weekend I said "THAT'S THE BOMB" when I was explaining some food I recently had. The two people I was engaged with in conversation started laughing hysterically and pointed out what they felt was an "outdated 90's phrase". Look, I know this was widely used in the 90's, but I personally feel it's still very much used and accepted in everyday conversation.


- You watch a great movie. At the end you describe it to your friend by simply stating
"It's the bomb!"

- You see a hot girl/hot boy walk on by. You might utter under your breath
"Damn, hot stuff/shorty is the bomb!"

- Talking to your friend and mentioning how you had the most amazing food
"The food was so good, it was the bomb!"

Am I just trying to live in the past? Is it an outdated phrase? I think depending on how you use it, it's still a cool phrase. It's not like I'm saying - Yo, it's the bomb diggity. Or, it's the bomb beezy. Or It's the bomb baby...it's the bomb. Friends told me that when Randy Jackson & older people use the phrase, you know it's outdated. Hmmmm.... I think one can spin the phrase no matter how old it is and make it new and current way of expressing how one feels towards something. It's not like I'm saying " it's off the hook/ain't no thang on a chicken wang."Now that's dated!
Or maybe i'm just smoking some good pot (it's the bomb) and I'm stuck in the 90's. Whatever. I love and will continue to use the phrase. Why? Cuz I'm the bomb!


Tam and Mary said...

1) the term shorty is also outdated. possibly as a reference to a child or a flaccid penis would be acceptable.

2) you make the statement "one can spin the phrase no matter how old it is and make it new..." That means any phrase can be new. But you follow the statement with samples of phrases that you feel are outdated. so can you spin the chicken wing comment to be "new and current"

3) The following examplesu assumes "the" and "da" are equivalent
"the bomb" - #2: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=the+bomb

"da bomb" - #1: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=da+bomb

"da bomb" - as define by a youth minister (youth minister are always "down"): http://www.thesource4ym.com/teenlingo/

"da bomb" - yahoo group, ie young people who cares what others think-thus they keep up with trends and lingo.: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080104203608AAhuSDZ

yoyoyo, i'm outtie 5000 homie.

Me said...

i hate you. all i should have just said that if i say it, i personally am awesome enough to make it feel current. nothing is "dated" when i say it because i'm the/da bomb and i'm just too cool for school. grrr. i hate you again.