Hiya, thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My fellow geisha girls - Kim, Moosh, Janet & I hung out in Vegas for the fashion tradeshows - PROJECT & MAGIC. They work in fashion, but I was able to enter their world and see how crazy it can get. People from the West & East coasts ventured off to Sin City to work the show, drink, gamble, you name it. I went there to hang out and spend time with the group before Moosh moves off to NYC!

I was a solider and def. drank & didn't throw up! Here are some things I didn't excel at during the trip:

1) Don't jump into the wrong car when picking it up at the valet area. Every car seems to look alike!

2) Everyone wants to look hot, but if you hvae to wear heels, do yourself a favor and get foot pads for your shoes. No, I know you aren't GOLDEN GIRLS, but you don't want your feet to look like they were eaten by a barricuda! My one friend who will remain nameless had so much game some dood at a club gave her a bomb ass foot massage!

3) Be happy & be sure to be friendly to anyone and everyone. You never know you meet. doesn't have to be romantic, just nice conversations chopping shit up. Keep it real, but you never what you're going to learn along the way. Too much energy to being fake or mean. Be yourself, but have fun after work & dinner =)

4) I hated lugging a purse/clutch. I'm all for fanny packs! I'm serious. Don't hate, just know you can still be styling with a cool fanny pack - Gucci has a nice one. Look styling, but be practical! You are hands free and can roll the dice....

5) Take frequent naps. You know your ass is going to be staying out super late, so throw in some quick naps, and you'll be good. Naps & Redbull = Energy!

I had to make it a short stay - Monday night and all day Tuesday - came back this morning! Do what you gotta do, but always be safe, peaceful and happy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Quote

“A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.”

Saturday, August 23, 2008


My friend Chrstine from San Diego is super creative and this year she threw yet another crazy birthday extravaganza. She organized and created from scratch her Birthday Scavenger Hunt. Over 25 friends gathered in the Hillcrest area of SD and were split into 3 teams - Vikings (my team - we rock), Pirates & Indians. She had us running around the area having to complete 4 mandatory bar visits (1 drink of her choice at every bar: included margaritas, gummy bear shot, beer, etc) and each team was able to choose 4 tasks out of the 9 given. EAch team has to take a picture as every task was completed. Everything from finding items at a store to man handling a hottie.

Super creative and lots of fun. Just be careful how much you drink, because running around drunk was a lot more difficult than you think!

Here is a cool site of this company that throws scavenger hunts in cities across America. Not sure it's as fun as Chris', but check it out:

(Pictures above came from Chris - Thx sista - you rock!)


You gots to cater to him!

LOL. Saying that aloud just cracks me up. Anyway, I crack up and love watching this video because I miss Destiny's Child! They are so strong willed, independant and always in control! Word up.

Women - watch this video and learn =) Poise, Class, Humour & Some Ghetto Fab...you'll keep your MAN! Hahah.

Enjoy this vintage Destiny's Child educational performance =0


Holy Moly Macroni - I love just browsing through youtube to pass time (esp since I still don't have cable)and I came across this amazing talented YOU TUBE STAR
NICK PITERA and boy did he take my breath away ! You GO GIRL! Love it! I'm in awe and can't get enough so I had to share. Mad props. I'm a fan and I'll shout it out to the sky and stars - ha!

P.S: Yes, that's really him singing.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


"The wisest mind has something yet to learn."
George Santayana

Damn, ain't that the truth!?! Free your mind and the rest will follow. Yes, i bit that off En Vogue (ha), but I can appreciate this quote. Never stop learning. Continue to challenge yourself. Pick up new hobbies. If you think you are the bomb and supersmart, remember,there's always someone smarter. I'll try to to continue to live and learn about everything and anything that comes my way. There's life lessons (good and bad)in all experiences!

Random thought of the day: Why do Hard Boiled Eggs Stink?

Why do Hard Boiled Eggs Stink?

Just this morning I started to peel 2 hard boiled eggs and a quick thought passed my head: DAMN,IT SMELLS LIKE I JUST FARTED! I won't lie and say I've never done a "drive by attack and release," but this time I really didn't! We had some people come into the office so I quickly tried to make the smell go away by spraying disinfectant spray, but there was still a little "tootie poopie smell" lingering. Always remember - once you "toot" you "pollute"!

So if you want to piss anyone off, just peel a hard boiled egg and know you just grossed someone out with your funky smell!

Lesson learned: If you smell something funk, run and hide!

Just in case you want to know the "stinky" answer on why hard boiled eggs stink, follow this link:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Looking to buy some dining chairs and I definately am CRUSHING these chairs. How a simple chair gets me going!


(Something about this green makes me smile. Paired with a nice glass table - delightful! cb2.com)

(It's like an egg cool chair. I think this would look cool with mixed chairs around a glass table/modern table roomandboard.com)

(LOVE LOVE the "Jake Chair" Super clean look. Comes in diff colors - orange, baby blue, white, yellow brown (my fav), brown black, etc.

(Believe it or not this GILBERT chair availabe in assorted colors (dark brown and white is my fav) is sold at your nearby IKEA! Score. For $49, these stackable chairs are affordable, funky, clean and comfortable! ikea.com

(Tentacle like - an octopus would love the legs! so eerie cool!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

shopping for new apt. stuff

The Search for Greatness has begun. Trying to phase and transition out of college style, I am trying to simplify my surroundings, while still retaining my style and quirkiness.

A calming area allows me to be more at peace. Here is some of the stuff I've been looking at that brings me a smile to my face.

Wall of beauty. I'm not vain, I just like to look at myself! (westelm.com)

Kitchen Dishcloth (westelm.com)

Cool 50's apron - Cooking in style! (

Friday, August 15, 2008

outdoor fun!

Check out this awesome outdoor Chair aka "Rex chair" - $29.95 (reg. $59.95_ from CB2.com

CB2 is the modern store from parent company Crate & Barrel. Unf. there are no mortar stores in Cali, but they have it in Chicago and New York. Hopefully they'll expand.

Thinking of getting a couple of these chairs for my outside patio. Now I need to find an outdoor table. Any suggestions?

My style i'm going for is clean/modern/hip if that makes any sense.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I've always loved stickers, hell I still collect them today! Check out these WALL STICKERS/DECALS. I just can't get enough of these. You can really change a room in 5 minutes. It's so easy - buy sticker....peel sticker...paste sticker on the wall! LOL.

Here are some stickers - think of all the fun you can have and no messy cleanup!

Some cool sites to start your search for wall stickers:


Moving sucks. I just finished moving this past weekend. I kinda waited at the last minute to pre-pack. Here are my ghetto usefull tips that most people don't normally think or know about.

SUPER SWEET SHOPPING CARTS! Oh hell to the Y-E-S! Sure you rent a dolly to move boxes, but to sweeten the deal, secretly "borrow" a shopping cart from the store and use the bad puppy to haul all your misc. items, small boxes, trash bags filled with clothing, etc and trust me you'll save multiple walking trips going back and forth! Think smarter, not harder! I bought an apple at Ralphs and on my way out I put the bag full of apples and walked out with the cart and pushed it to my house (about 1 1/2 blocks away).

Stress free packing at it's finest. Head to TARGET and grab 30 gallon trash bags and you'll even save money on buying boxes! No point in spending useless time folding clothes and putting them in boxes. Too much time! Throw it in a bag and when it's ready to be opened you can hang it in the closet. Simple and to the point! Plus you put like five to six big trash bags in your shopping cart.

WONDERFUL WRISTBANDS! You'll be super sweaty by the time you move a couple of bags and boxes. Sweating over and over you'll find you'll want to wipe the sweat off your forehead, but no towels or napkins in sight. No worries...just look to your wrist and grab that silly sweat off! Here is a picture of my sweatband I used. Yes I looked awesome.

STRONG BODY BUILDING FRIENDS/BOYFRIENDS. Essential. Unf. I'm not super strong, so you must have at least 1- 3 STRONG HUSKY FRIENDS helping you out during this stresful period. Keep the eye on the prize!

A big shout out to Will & Thanh - Double Duo =)