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Monday, August 11, 2008


Moving sucks. I just finished moving this past weekend. I kinda waited at the last minute to pre-pack. Here are my ghetto usefull tips that most people don't normally think or know about.

SUPER SWEET SHOPPING CARTS! Oh hell to the Y-E-S! Sure you rent a dolly to move boxes, but to sweeten the deal, secretly "borrow" a shopping cart from the store and use the bad puppy to haul all your misc. items, small boxes, trash bags filled with clothing, etc and trust me you'll save multiple walking trips going back and forth! Think smarter, not harder! I bought an apple at Ralphs and on my way out I put the bag full of apples and walked out with the cart and pushed it to my house (about 1 1/2 blocks away).

Stress free packing at it's finest. Head to TARGET and grab 30 gallon trash bags and you'll even save money on buying boxes! No point in spending useless time folding clothes and putting them in boxes. Too much time! Throw it in a bag and when it's ready to be opened you can hang it in the closet. Simple and to the point! Plus you put like five to six big trash bags in your shopping cart.

WONDERFUL WRISTBANDS! You'll be super sweaty by the time you move a couple of bags and boxes. Sweating over and over you'll find you'll want to wipe the sweat off your forehead, but no towels or napkins in sight. No worries...just look to your wrist and grab that silly sweat off! Here is a picture of my sweatband I used. Yes I looked awesome.

STRONG BODY BUILDING FRIENDS/BOYFRIENDS. Essential. Unf. I'm not super strong, so you must have at least 1- 3 STRONG HUSKY FRIENDS helping you out during this stresful period. Keep the eye on the prize!

A big shout out to Will & Thanh - Double Duo =)


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