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Saturday, August 23, 2008


My friend Chrstine from San Diego is super creative and this year she threw yet another crazy birthday extravaganza. She organized and created from scratch her Birthday Scavenger Hunt. Over 25 friends gathered in the Hillcrest area of SD and were split into 3 teams - Vikings (my team - we rock), Pirates & Indians. She had us running around the area having to complete 4 mandatory bar visits (1 drink of her choice at every bar: included margaritas, gummy bear shot, beer, etc) and each team was able to choose 4 tasks out of the 9 given. EAch team has to take a picture as every task was completed. Everything from finding items at a store to man handling a hottie.

Super creative and lots of fun. Just be careful how much you drink, because running around drunk was a lot more difficult than you think!

Here is a cool site of this company that throws scavenger hunts in cities across America. Not sure it's as fun as Chris', but check it out:

(Pictures above came from Chris - Thx sista - you rock!)

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