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Thursday, December 4, 2008

polite in public - jrhrts party!

WBTV current/casting/ba/drama/comedy clan unite!

Trio Terrors: Blondie, Dopey & Mugatu (Jen/DJ/Stacey)

Double fisting! The bar was almost closed!
Me, Jana, DJ & Stacey

DJ had his pimp moment photographed!

Current & Development Gals

Molly, Chase, Stacey, Lauren, Jana and I

Had a blast with some co-workers this past Tuesday. It was the jrHRTS holiday party and let's just say that our gang knows how to have fun. Open bar from 8-10 PM...what a night. Let's just say at the end of the night, I took the blonde marilyn wig and became the BLONDIE i always wanted to be =) It was a great introduction starter - is my hair too frizzy...you like me do...what do you think, too light off my skin?

Plus they had this photo booth by POLITE IN PUBLIC and everyone in your group gets a copy of the picture within minutes! We were glued to the booth. Don't hate that we're awesome! Check out other pictures from the event: politeinpublic.com (would love one of these at a wedding!)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

UGLY JEN- belated Halloween!

sorry i've been bad about posting lately, it's been super busy...

If you are laughing, it's a-ok. Halloween is always fun. My co-workers decided to go the political route and dress up as Obama & Sarah Palin. I didn't want to be the mainstream "witch, butterfly, tinkerbell/super hero". This year I went as Betty Suarez from the ABC show UGLY BETTY.

My friend from ABC sent me the Ugly Betty poncho and all I had to do was wear a colorful/weird button top (mine was blue & white), but I didn't want to wear a crazy ugly skirt since i had to walk around work. I toned it down with a black skirt, black stockings and black shoes. The hardest thing to come up with was the BRACES. Now everyone that watches the show will know that Betty is NOTHING w/out her brace face. Being clever & creative, I bought plastic clear vampire teeth for 99 cents at the party store and cut off the fangs. I then took a blue sharpie pen and colored in a small square on each tooth. Lastly, I took a paperclip and bent it as straight as i could to make the wire to wrap on the top and bottom. Voila! Tres Geek, but ces't chic!

So without further ado, here is UGLY JEN!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

jcrew discount

Great coupon to use for internet purchases - type in EXTRA30 in the promotion field and receive a 30% discount on all items! Just got a couple of everyday tops for work and play. Had to pass this on!

This past weekend I scored and bought this wool permison skirt that retails for $128 for only $14 bucks and some grass green cordiror pants for $20 bucks. It'll be a bright winter for me =)

Happy shopping and strech your MONEY Honey!