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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

UGLY JEN- belated Halloween!

sorry i've been bad about posting lately, it's been super busy...

If you are laughing, it's a-ok. Halloween is always fun. My co-workers decided to go the political route and dress up as Obama & Sarah Palin. I didn't want to be the mainstream "witch, butterfly, tinkerbell/super hero". This year I went as Betty Suarez from the ABC show UGLY BETTY.

My friend from ABC sent me the Ugly Betty poncho and all I had to do was wear a colorful/weird button top (mine was blue & white), but I didn't want to wear a crazy ugly skirt since i had to walk around work. I toned it down with a black skirt, black stockings and black shoes. The hardest thing to come up with was the BRACES. Now everyone that watches the show will know that Betty is NOTHING w/out her brace face. Being clever & creative, I bought plastic clear vampire teeth for 99 cents at the party store and cut off the fangs. I then took a blue sharpie pen and colored in a small square on each tooth. Lastly, I took a paperclip and bent it as straight as i could to make the wire to wrap on the top and bottom. Voila! Tres Geek, but ces't chic!

So without further ado, here is UGLY JEN!

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