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Thursday, December 4, 2008

polite in public - jrhrts party!

WBTV current/casting/ba/drama/comedy clan unite!

Trio Terrors: Blondie, Dopey & Mugatu (Jen/DJ/Stacey)

Double fisting! The bar was almost closed!
Me, Jana, DJ & Stacey

DJ had his pimp moment photographed!

Current & Development Gals

Molly, Chase, Stacey, Lauren, Jana and I

Had a blast with some co-workers this past Tuesday. It was the jrHRTS holiday party and let's just say that our gang knows how to have fun. Open bar from 8-10 PM...what a night. Let's just say at the end of the night, I took the blonde marilyn wig and became the BLONDIE i always wanted to be =) It was a great introduction starter - is my hair too frizzy...you like me do...what do you think, too light off my skin?

Plus they had this photo booth by POLITE IN PUBLIC and everyone in your group gets a copy of the picture within minutes! We were glued to the booth. Don't hate that we're awesome! Check out other pictures from the event: politeinpublic.com (would love one of these at a wedding!)

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